Tuesday, October 22, 2024
  • time : 00:00
  • Date : Sun Jul 30, 2023
Transferring the technical knowledge of mass production of parasitoid wasps of greenhouse whiteflies
by the Biological Control Research Department of Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP)

In line with the research contracts of the IRIPP and Fajr Safa Agro-industry & Tourism Company (FSAT Co.) of Lorestan, the technical know-how of mass production of parasitoid wasps (Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus spp.) of greenhouse whiteflies was transferred to Fajr Safa Agro-industry during a period of 2 years by the researchers of the biological control research department of the IRIPP. The commercial product of Encarsia wasp cards was prepared and unveiled by FSAT Co. At present, this company, having the localized technical knowledge of producing Macrolophus and Orius predators, their food supplement, as well as the mentioned parasitoids, is using these factors in the integrated management of greenhouse pests based on the biological control method, with the aim of producing certified products which could be provided in international markets.
