يکشنبه, 18 شهريور 1403

موسسه تحقیقات گیاه پزشکی کشور

  • ساعت : ۰۰:۰۰
  • تاريخ :
The Director of the Iranian research institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), during his visit to the Karaj Plant Protection Laboratory, emphasized the effectiveness and important role of this laboratory in the field of plant protection

According to the public relations office of the IRIPP, Dr. Ranjbar Aghdam, the Director along with Dr. Shahrokhi, the deputy director of the institute, visited the Institute's Plant Protection Laboratory in Karaj on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022. They attended the meeting that was held in the presence of faculty members and researchers of this laboratory.

In this visit, Dr. Sharifi, the head of the laboratory, while emphasizing the special importance of Alborz province in terms of agriculture, and the need for the institution's base in this province. He pointed out the presence of 70 thousand square meters of cultivated area, and the effective role of Payam Airport in the export of agricultural products in this province. He also emphasized on the presence of large and numerous cold storage plants, the existence of Nazarabad agricultural area and numerous mechanized greenhouses, the production of seeds and seedlings for the whole country and the proximity to Qazvin province as one of the agricultural centers of the country adds to the importance of the existence of this laboratory in the field of Plant Protection.

The Director and deputy of the IRIPP visited the facilities of the Karaj Plant Protection Laboratory including: growth rooms, greenhouses and research farm; also, were informed about the ongoing activities, completed projects, existing issues and problems in this Laboratory.

Created by M.Afzalvatan on 11/19/2022

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