
Currently, more than 49 years have passed since the establishment and existence of the Karaj Plant Protection Laboratory. In 1971, this laboratory was created by changing the structure of the sugar beet pest research laboratory, which was a research unit within the former “sugar beet seed production and breeding ” affiliated to "Sugar Beet Seed Breeding and Preparation Research Institute”, and It was legally handed over to the then “Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute”. Until 1979, this laboratory, with minimal facilities, performed the tasks assigned to it by the related institute .In 1987, the construction of a new laboratory began and in 1988 it was put into operation. Then, in 1993, its research greenhouses were ready for operation. The total area of ​​the transferred land is 6000 square meters and the infrastructure of the laboratory and research greenhouses is more than 11000 square meters. Research greenhouses are equipped with heat, humidity and light control systems. Since 2004, according to the memorandum of understanding with the “Seed and Plant Research Improvement Institute”, 16 hectares of arable land has been separated from the northern side of the 500-hectare farm and given to the “Iranian Research institute of Plant Protection” and this laboratory as an experimental platform. Several research projects in various fields of plant protection have been carried out or are underway. Since 2014, the area of the experimental farm has been reduced to 10 hectares, due to the research needs of the “Seed and Plant Research Improvement Institute”

-Holding training-scientific workshops for researchers, farmers and horticulturists.

-Participation and performing radio programs with Alborz Radio regarding the control of plant pests, diseases and weeds in the farms and orchards.

-Participating in the meetings of organizations, institutions and relevant executive deputies of the ministry to provide consultation.

-Evaluation of scientific articles for scientific Congresses and Conferences.

-Evaluation and refereeing articles for publication in the national and international scientific journals.

-Training of experts introduced by the Agricultural and natural resources Engineering Organization of Iran.

-Guidance and counseling the post graduate students in research fields related to Plant Protection.

-Training internship Students Introduced by the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection.

- Preparation of several extension publications

- Preparation of several extension handbooks

-Technology of the application of biological agents

-Trips management in onion farms

- Familiarization with the key pests of greenhouse plants

-Providing novel solutions in greenhouse pest management

- Recommendation and Promotion of organic farming and production of certified crops

- Designing and manufacturing of a motorized device for collecting alfalfa pests (with the help of the Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering)

- Using the stale seedbed method and replacing furrow with ridge for effective weed management in Maize

investigation on insect ecology and population changes due to living and non-living factors

Investigating insect biology

Investigating various aspects of Bio-control

Research on integrated management of plant pests, diseases and weeds.

Reviewing and correcting the research proposals submitted by the scientific committees of the institute.

Checking the reports of research projects submitted by the scientific committees of the institute.

Publication of research results in the form of scientific articles

Exchange of scientific information with similar national and international scientific sources in order to be aware of the latest relevant information.

Investigating the efficacy of different pesticides on insects, pathogenic fungi and weeds of different crops and garden plants and confirming their effectiveness for registration as the new pesticides requested by manufacturing companies

Investigation on the efficacy of different pheromones produced locally or imported

Guidance and supervising the master's and doctoral students

Guiding undergraduate students during the internship

Preparing various guidelines for controlling pests, diseases and weeds of gardens, farms and greenhouse crops.

Providing various approaches to reduce pesticides use

Response to the technical questions requested by individuals, organizations and domestic and foreign institutions.

  • Plant Disease Research Laboratory
  • Weed Ecophysiology Laboratory
  • Agricultural Entomology Research Laboratory
گروه دورانV6.1.15.0